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12 Best AI Chatbot Platforms & Builders Reviewed (2024)

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    Chatbots have revolutionized how customers interact with businesses. More and more companies are leveraging conversational AI bots to enhance their customer engagement strategies. Every business has different requirements, they need to meet an effective chatbot strategy to meet their use case.

    57% of businesses agree chatbots deliver a large return on investment (ROI) with minimal effort. Undoubtedly, the chatbot ecosystem has changed for many businesses using chat marketing, but the goal remains the same: quick, creative, and convenient customer service.

    Conducting a chatbot platform comparison and investing in the right chatbot platform helps to build a strong bot for your website or on Facebook, engage customers 24×7, and provide quick information whenever they need it.

    It plays a lead role to design the best AI chatbots for businesses that act as the direct line between customer problems and solutions.


    Chatbot use cases - best chatbot platform

    Key Features of Choosing the Right Chatbot Platform 

    By investing in the right chatbot platform, businesses can create bots effortlessly with minimal coding. The core of a chatbot platform is Artificial Intelligence (AI), but it also offers a user-friendly interface with all the necessary settings for customization and personalization.

    However, the most important features to be considered during a chatbot platform comparison are as follows:

    Live chat handover

    One of the key criteria for choosing the right chatbot platform is handover at the right time to human support. It helps in addressing complex queries in real time that the bot is not able to answer and deliver a better experience.

    No code development

    Depending upon your business requirements whether simple or complex, you can choose the chatbot platform that requires minimal investment for development. For complex business requirements, you can customize the bot flow to meet your use case.

    Auto learning of bots

    Chatbot platforms allow training the chatbots for understanding the ways that customers ask questions. Identifying scenarios where your AI-enabled bot needs more training will give you important insights about your chatbot and your business. 

    Integrating with messaging channels

    The best conversational AI chatbot platform can be integrated with any messaging channel such as website, Facebook, WhatsApp. It helps in generating countless opportunities to increase your brand reach, gain new customers, and retain existing ones to grow your business. 

    Chatbot reporting

    The best chatbot platform offers reporting and analytics capabilities to judge the efficacy of the chatbot and constantly fine-tune the bot flow to accomplish the end goals. It determines the success of your chatbot by providing valuable insights into opportunities for business growth. 

    Best AI Chatbot Platforms & Builders Reviewed

    A great chatbot platform simplifies working with chatbots by already containing the complete infrastructure and standard communication features. Businesses can build bots by following chatbot best practices in less time frame and focusing on solving important business problems, rather than researching communication protocols and solving infrastructure issues.

    With a myriad of chatbot platforms out there, choosing the right conversational AI chatbot platform to build the best chatbot can leave you reeling.

    In order to simplify your problem, we have narrowed down the best chatbot-building platforms out there. 

    1. REVE Chat
    2. ManyChat
    3. Chatfuel
    4. MobileMonkey
    5. TARS
    6. Yellow Messenger
    7. Pandorabots
    8. Hubspot chatbot builder
    9. BotsCrew
    12. Botsify

    Below is a detailed review of the best chatbot platform comparison list and tools based on their features, pros, cons, and pricing plans that help you to make the right decision to build a successful chatbot

    1. REVE Chat

    REVE Chat - chatbot platform


    REVE Chat is a leading chatbot platform that offers a range of customer communication tools. It is a no-code chatbot building platform that comes with a visual flow builder to build a chatbot hassle-free. Simply drag and drop and build your first AI-powered chatbot without coding experience. Besides, it offers live chat, video chat, voice calls, a ticketing system, and co-browsing to provide personalized and efficient customer support.

    Moreover, REVE Chat can be used in several channels such as Website, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Mobile, Viber, and Telegram to deliver exceptional customer service in real-time. It also allows you to use Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) to understand the customer intent better.

    REVE Chat offers a ready-to-use chatbot platform that allows brands to create customized bots with zero codings based on business needs. You can deploy chatbots in a short time frame, train the bots and measure their performance much quicker compared to a custom solution. It is ideal for enterprises or small businesses that want to manage conversations in a hassle-free manner.

    Key Features

    • Visual Flow builder – You can create your bot flow with the help of nodes and actions such as text, images, carousel, buttons, and others. You can set triggers as per the use case with no coding efforts. Plus, you can give a cute bot name as well. 
    • FAQs – Train your bot regularly by creating FAQs. It allows the bot to identify the user intent and have effective communication with the users. 
    • Human handover – You can set a live chat takeover in case the user asks a complex query that the bot is not able to answer.  
    • Sentiment analysis – The advanced sentiment analysis feature helps to train the chatbot against offensive and negative expressions. It trains the bot to nullify such responses and focus on the business objectives.
    • Fallback option – You can set the fallback options such as alternate phone, email, or connect to the human agents. Identifying the break-up points in the conversation and defining an alternate solution is offered to the bot by the users. 


    • REVE Chat provides an intuitive chatbot builder to build the best AI chatbot.
    • Training your chatbots with normalization and bulk machine learning (ML)
    • Empowers seamless handover between chatbot and live support to deliver the best conversational experience.
    • Allows connecting with your Google calendar to book appointments & meetings. 
    • Integration is available with WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Viber. 
    • Ideal chatbot for telecom, real estate, e-commerce, banking, and most other industries.


    The chatbot platform is available at $50 per month with any of the plans. 

    REVE Chat offers three pricing plans with 14 days of a free trial. The Standard plan starts at $15/month, the Advanced plan is at $25/month, and the Enterprise at $50/month. For any custom chatbot solution, you can request a quote by contacting at [email protected].

    2. ManyChat

    manychat-chatbot platform


    ManyChat is a widely accepted chatbot platform that automates & combines Facebook Messenger and SMS to grow your business. It is an excellent platform to build your chatbot in just a few minutes and deployed on Messenger for use cases on sales, marketing, and customer service. More so, this chatbot France platform could be the right thing your business needs to automate various tasks and drive the growth of operations. 

    Key Features

    • Better marketing and sales by selling products, booking appointments, nurture leads, capture contact info, and build relationships via Messenger.
    • Engage your audience with Facebook marketing tools.
    • The visual drag & drop interface allows users to connect messages and actions with each other.


    • Easily integrates with third-party tools like Stripe, PayPal, Shopify, ActiveCampaign, and others.
    • Offers 19 predefined templates for building bots in a quick time frame.
    • Direct customers to your FB Messenger bot from any channel like website, email, or text message.
    • Provides A/B testing to create 2 to 4 different paths for a lead to go down (for the ‘Pro’ plan users).


    • No WhatsApp support channel available.
    • Poor technical support.


    ManyChat offers both free as well as paid plans. The Standard plan starts at $10/month for 500 subscribers, and at $145/month for 25,000 subscribers.

    3. Chatfuel

    Chatfuel - chatbot platform

    Chatfuel is a reliable chatbot platform for Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. You can build bots for use cases like increase sales, personalize marketing and automate customer support on Facebook. You can leverage Natural Language Processing (NLP) to identify user intents and utterances to pre-defined answers.

    Key Features

    • Increase sales with a bot drip campaign and broadcasts and get higher email open rates.
    • Automate FAQs and reduce support costs.
    • Bot analytics provides valuable insights into the bot’s performance.


    • An easy-to-use platform for building bots.
    • No code chatbot platform for Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger
    • The bot offers support in almost 50 languages.


    • The builder and interface are a bit clunky to use.
    • Strict validations for pre-defined sequences.
    • The pricing templates are too high


    Chatfuel offers a free trial account for 50 users. It offers essential tools to automate your Messenger inbox. The Pro version starts at $15/month and varies as per the number of users. For the Premium version, you need to contact the sales team.


    4. MobileMonkey

    Mobile Monkey - chatbot platform


    MobileMonkey is a conversational marketing solution designed to help businesses in real estate, eCommerce, restaurants, automobiles, and other sectors create chatbots to communicate with customers in real-time. The platform enables administrators to contact leads, conduct drip campaigns, schedule messages, share links, and gain visibility across the audience engagement analytics. 

    Key Features

    • The chatbot platform allows businesses to reuse chat marketing content across any chat platform.
    • A unified chat inbox allows you to manage all of your inbound and outbound messaging conversations in a single place.
    • Offers a toolbox of automation and integrations to help scale your business messaging efforts
    • Automate follow-up and lead routing processes to streamline customer care operations.


    • Easy accessibility with no coding needed.
    • Paypal and Stripe API integrations to deliver pleasant experiences. 
    • The in-built chatbot forms, lead magnets, and marketing automation tools help qualify more leads.


    • Minimal reporting capabilities
    • It is limited to only Facebook Messenger. 


    MobileMonkey offers both free and paid plans. The Pro plan starts at $14/mo, the Unicorn plan at $29/mo, and the Team plan at $199/mo.

    5. TARS 

    TARS chatbot platform


    TARS is a drag-and-drop chatbot builder that helps to create web-based and WhatsApp chatbots. The tool’s creators wanted to make the process of building a chatbot as easy as writing an email. It’s very easy to use with zero coding or development skills required. The chatbot platform is widely used around the world – client base includes American Express, DHL, Honda, University of California, and many more.

    Key Features

    • Chatbot builder dashboard with analytics and reports to track how the chatbots are performing for your business.
    • TARS has built integrations with tools like Google Calendar, Google Sheets, HubSpot, Zendesk, and many more


    • Offers 950+ pre-built chatbot templates for various industries and use cases.
    • Analyze conversation data by using 1000+ integrations to move data to your CRM/database.
    • Chatbot builder UI is simple to use and the chatbots themselves are easy to launch and modify.


    • Pricing is on the higher side.
    • Old fashioned design (in terms of placement of branding logo).


    Prices start at $499/mo but the $899/mo option will get you the most advanced set of analytics and marketing tools available among builders worldwide.

    6. Yellow Messenger 

    Yellow Messenger - Chatbot platform


    Yellow Messenger is a conversational AI platform that builds virtual assistants at scale, to positively impact CSAT, NPS, and revenue growth. It is well suited for any conversational team you have working in your operations team, i.e. customer service, service desk, etc. Yellow Messenger’s digital assistants are multilingual and omni channels. 

    Key Features

    • Allows Whatsapp automation for sending business-critical notifications instantly to engage with leads and prospects.
    • Helps to automate business functions in 100+ languages and 30+ channels
    • Digital assistants are supported by robust NLP to ensure fluid conversation.


    • A perfect solution to boost operational efficiency.
    • Easy ability to integrate with multiple channels like WhatsApp, FB Messenger, etc.
    • Offers live chat takeover
    • Push notifications when generating engagement
    • Offers several remarkable widgets and website chat plug-ins to stay efficiently interactive with the audience.


    • No location-based marketing
    • Lack of documentation. The API integration steps need a better explanation. 


    For pricing, you need to request a demo depending upon the volume of conversations, number of channels you wish to see your bot on, number of integrations. 

    7. Pandorabots

    Pandorabots - Chatbot platform


    Pandorabots is an open-source chatbot framework that allows people to build and publish AI-powered chatbots on the web, mobile applications, and messaging apps. The Pandorabots chatbot framework is based on Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) scripting language, which developers can use to create conversational bots.

    Key Features

    • Develop and edit your Pandorabots online.
    • Offers a lot of free documentation, an online community, and training courses available online for developers.
    • Using AIML scripts, you can makeF multilingual bots.
    • Create bots for speech-to-text as well as text-to-speech.


    • AIML scripting language provides flexibility because you have full access to the tools powering your bots. 
    • Pre-defined content libraries provide some shortcuts to manually teach every chatbot to respond with phrases.
    • Deploy Pandorabots on both voice and messaging channels like WhatsApp, Slack, Facebook Messenger, Twilio, LINE, Viber, WeChat, and others.


    • Pandorabots only utilizes the AIML language and therefore doesn’t include machine learning tools.
    • You cannot license and download an on-premise version of the Pandorabots platform.


    Pandorabot offers a free sandbox version with basic features. With two weeks free trial, the paid Developer plan starts at $19/mo, the PRO plan is at $199/mo, and for Enterprise the pricing is based on custom development. 

    8. HubSpot 

    Hubspot -chatbot builder platform


    HubSpot is a marketing, customer service, and CRM platform that also offers a live chat chatbot for your website, which is called HubSpot Conversations. The chatbot platform is integrated with HubSpot’s free CRM tool, which means your bots can deliver more personalized messages based on the information you already have about your customers.

    Key Features

    • Automatically sync all the data collected by the chatbots on a contact’s timeline, to give a complete context to the team.
    • Configure your bot to hand the conversation off to a human agent if needed, create support tickets, add users to lists and workflows.
    • Offer a visual editor to customize the conversation and match your brand’s voice and tone.


    • Easy bot set up with just a click on create chat flow
    • Customize your bot without any coding skills.
    • Personalize chatbot conversations with data from contact properties in your database.


    • While setting up chat flows it is easy to miss an entire conversation.
    • Lacks sentiment analysis.
    • Chat interfaces can be frustrating for visitors.


    HubSpot comes with a free plan and a free trial. The paid plan costs 46$ dollar per month. But this plan is not only for the chatbot. This plan is for the whole CRM. 

    9. BotsCrew


    BotsCrew Conversational AI is a comprehensive chatbot development platform for mid-market businesses and enterprises. The platform is user-friendly and features a drag-and-drop interface, enabling non-coders to create chatbots without any programming knowledge. 

    Also, the team offers different options of language (NLP) models, from Dialog Flow, LUIS, to GPT-3.5 and ChatGPT.

    Key Features

    • Multilingual, 100+ languages;
    • Multichannel, connect your bot to channels your customers use.  
    • Personalized analytics 
    • No code chatbot management


    • Dedicated account management; 
    • Priority support for all plans;
    • Free additional training, and onboarding for the team via personal calls, workshops, etc.  
    • White-label chatbots and fully customized widgets (brand logo & colors)


    • No chatbot templates 
    • Limited integrations
    • No free plans


    The pricing starts at $600.00 per month, but the price can vary based on the integrations, features, and customization that you would like to have. The setup fee usually starts from $3K. They do not have a free version, however, the team offers a free prototype you can test. 

    10. - chatbot plaform

  is a free chatbot software that lets you easily create text or voice-based bots on your preferred messaging platform. learns human language from every interaction and leverages the community: what’s learned is shared across developers.

    Key Features

    • Enables users to use their voices to control speakers, appliances, lighting,F etc.
    • You can make bots in 132 languages and interact with users across the globe.
    • Build intelligent chatbots for social channels, mobile apps, websites, and IoT devices.


    • It is a simple solution for your NLP needs.
    • Easy setup and deployment
    • It is an open-source (and open app) framework, they also benefit from a large developer community. 


    • Training the NLP engine in requires effort.
    • Lacks the required slot/parameter feature.

    Pricing is a free chatbot platform. You can create a account by logging in via GitHub or Facebook. Once you’ve done that, you can create your first chatbot using’s chatbot building platform.


    11. - chatbot platform

  is a user-friendly no-code solution for creating conversational chatbots. Conversational bots combine the benefits of an interactive conversational interface with rich UI elements while automating advanced data workflows. Landbot helps you optimize every stage of the customer journey from lead generation to customer support on the web, WhatsApp, or Messenger – without coding.

    Key Features

    • Offers a drag-and-drop interface to create a chatbot quickly.
    • Customize your chatbots to match your branding.
    • Allows you to initiate dialog flows, test and analyze your chatbots without any code, and also integrate it with other online apps and tools


    • Pulls data from Google Sheets, making interactions with users that much better
    • In-built analytics help in analyzing traffic. 
    • Offers multiple integrations.
    • Create chatbots for multiple platforms.


    • Limited functionality in WhatsApp vs Web
    • Prices are on a higher-end
    • Integrations available only in the paid plans

    Pricing offers free, paid, and custom plans. The Sandbox plan is free and offers basic features. The paid plans cover Starter plan 30€/mo and Professional plan at 80€/mo. For a custom plan, you need to contact the sales team.

    12. Botsify

    botsify chatbot platform


    Botsify is an AI and machine learning-based platform that allows non-technical users to make AI chatbots without coding skills. It offers an easy-to-use bot builder to create bots with ready-to-use templates. The platform offers several integrations and works on multiple platforms including Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, SMS, and website. 

    Key Features

    • Allows to create multiple types of chatbots and use them in different tasks.
    • You can make your chatbot converse in 190+ languages.
    • It allows seamless human handover for complex chats from the bot to the live support agents..


    • Easily integrates with third-party tools.
    • Simple accessibility for users with little to no experience in building AI chatbots, coding, and programming.
    • The switching from a chatbot to a human agent makes it easy to optimize and automate the process.


    • For a naive user, it is time taking to understand how to use the platform.


    Botsify allows a 14-day free trial, followed by a Personal plan of $40/mo, a Professional plan at $125/mo, Business plan at $415. For a custom plan, you have to contact the sales team. However, the Professional plan is recommended and you can save for two months if billed annually. 

    Best Chatbot Platform Comparison

    Based on our review, we have prepared a comparison table that will give you a fair idea to choose the right chatbot platform that will meet your business requirements. 

    best-chatbot-platform-comparison (1)

    Key Things To Consider Before Selecting the Best Chatbot Solution

    Even so, chatbots are excellent customer engagement channels, many users find that chatbots fail to resolve their issues and they prefer talking to a support agent. This perception can be greatly improved by following certain tips on chatbot design to make a successful chatbot.

    • The first & foremost is to define your business goals and outline the key use case. It helps in building the best AI chatbot that aligns with your customer needs.
    • Understanding the customer flow is crucial to learn what they are looking for. It helps in learning customer intent and designing the bot flow to deliver better CX.
    • Identifying the customer journey touchpoints gives clarity to deploy chatbots across those channels to engage customers promptly 24×7 and make their journey seamless.
    • You need to define which part of the customer journey you want to automate (For eg. lead generation, FAQs) It will help streamline the workflow for better productivity.
    • Certainly, not everything can be automated, and knowing at what point your users might face issues & look for human support helps to set fallback options

    Selecting the Best Chatbot Platform for Your Business

    Now that it is clear that before you choose your best chatbot platform it is very important to identify your business objectives, understand the bot flow, and identify the touchpoints and the points to automate. It will help to build the best conversational AI chatbot for your business.

    Not following the chatbot’s best practices and not doing it right, will have a negative impact on the overall customer experience. Customers will not be satisfied with the bot’s performance and prefer interacting with it. 

    The top bot-building platforms discussed above can help you to make your own chatbots to interact with your prospects and customers. There will be more chatbot platform tools emerging but identifying the core use cases will help you to meet your end goals with the appropriate bot builder. 

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    Snigdha Patel

    Snigdha Patel is a customer experience researcher, author, and blogger. As part of REVE Chat, she focuses on helping organizations maximize customer experience using omnichannel messaging and conversational AI.

    She creates contextual, insightful, and conversational content for business audiences across a broad range of industries and categories like Customer Service, Customer Experience (CX), Chatbots, and more.

    Serving as the lead content strategist, Snigdha helps the customer service teams to leverage the right technology along with AI to deliver exceptional and memorable customer experiences.

    Being a customer service adherent, her goal is to show that organizations can use customer experience as a competitive advantage and win customer loyalty.

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